About Me

I’m Rachel, founder of The Flat Cap Gardener.

I am a horticulturalist that loves anything involving plants and the natural world. I have started this website to talk about anything plant related that takes my interest and hopefully yours too!

Horticulture can have a positive impact on our lives, from having that quiet, private space to relax at home to the healthy food we need to thrive, just to name two.

  • Banksia serrata-Old Man Banksia

    This is a tree that is an emblem of Australia to me. It can be a little scruffy, but (as with many Australian natives) it has a random charm to it-the flowers look awesome and it can survive fire through the ability to reshoot from a lignotuber. The flowers are also a source of food…


  • Anredera cordifolia- Madeira Vine

    Madeira vine is my most disliked, but also my most loved, weed here in Sydney. I say this because it causes so much damage, grows quickly and spreads very easily, which is why I dislike it with such a passion, while I love it because I get immense pleasure out of removing it from the…


  • A misconception about the work

    People are often rather funny, in a slightly odd sort of way-which isn’t always about bad thing, but often doesn’t help in certain situations. For some, the idea of becoming a horticulturist is so different in their head compared to reality that when they start working it is a shock. In some ways, I can…


  • A little excitement

    Today, I got a little excited at work as I saw some daffodils, something that I haven’t seen since I left the England over twelve years ago. Yes, it is now winter here in Australia, with daffodils being a spring flower to me so it’s a random, but nice, surprise. From cute little yellow flowers…